Helping Communities During COVID-19
Helping Communities
During COVID-19
Building on our long tradition of working closely with our communities and promoting their health and well-being.
MagnumCares' Assistance during COVID-19 "Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something"
Help Our
Healthcare Heroes

As the country’s medical facilities and health care frontliners are under a lot of stress, we are supporting The Edge to fight against the Covid-19 virus health crisis.

The Edge Media Group is rallying with Corporate Malaysia to make monetary contributions to support the health care system.

Magnum has donated RM1,000,000 to help purchase medical equipments such as protective suits, masks and ventilators for the patients and health care frontliners.

Food Security

MagnumCares has joined hands with The Lost Food Project (TLFP) by extending our help to the communities by providing greater food security for many families in need.

During this COVID-19, over 100,000 meals and food packages have been distributed to the communities in need.

Thank you to The Lost Food project (TLFP) for the amazing dedication and effort!

Food Security

Having a proper meal might be a huge challenge for the underprivileged community especially during this MCO.

A big shout out to PichaEats for providing us an opportunity to contribute meals to the underprivileged, refugee communities, elderly homes and front-liners.

Academic Assistance Aid

MagnumCares revised our annual Academic Motivation Awards (AMA) programme to Academic Assistance Aid (AAA) programme to help underprivileged students and their families who were severely affected during this COVID-19.

Working together with selected Chinese schools across the country, we want to ensure the students are receiving necessary assistance during MCO by staying safe and healthy.

Education Support Programme

MagnumCares continuously support local education development and innovation.

"The National Secondary School Mandarin Virtual Debate Tournament" is one of the annual events held by The Federation of Hokkien Associations of Malaysia and sponsored by MagnumCares.

With the challenge of pandemic, cancellation of many activities and the current condition faced by all industries the Debate tournament continues by providing online platform for the young debaters to perform.

Education Learning Equipment

During the tough time of CMCO and difficulties of learning, MagnumCares with the great support of Yayasan Maha Karuna has distributed the necessary items like school bags, stationaries and uniforms to 2,500 in need students nationwide for EDUcare program under our Community Support Program (CSP).

Sustainable Solar Energy Solution

MagnumCares has joined hands with Global Peace Foundation Malaysia and had provided a renewable and sustainable solar energy solution to elevate the quality of life in Orang Asli communities.

These villages faced insufficient source of electricity and had to rely on gasoline generator which is expensive and bad for the environment. It was difficult to cook, study, travel, and continue working at night due to limited lighting.

The All-Lights Village Project has successfully distributed and installed solar panel lights in 7 villages which has impacted 50 household and 185 Orang Asli community.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care

MagnumCares is in support of Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation Malaysia (ADFM) to provide practical training on care skills for the dementia community.

One of the ADFM signature project – The sensory garden is specifically designed to help stimulate the 5 senses of human body: sight, hear, smell, touch and taste.

MagnumCares aims to help people with dementia by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and improved quality of life by engaging in various daily activities in gardening.

Supporting Women's Empowerment

Together with the seamstresses from the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA KL), we marched and provided more PPE attires to the hospitals during the first wave of COVID-19.

The hardworking YWCA-trained Seamstresses are mainly from Orang Asli communities and B40 group.

During the previous MCO period, these wonderful women managed to sustain and generate their incomes through their equipped skills and also helped the nation.

Dayak Community - Gawai Dayak Day

Before the Gawai celebrations this year, Malaysia was hit by the third wave of COVID-19. We wanted to ensure our Dayak friends in Sarawak are safe and have sufficient supply of food.

To assist them, we provided extra food necessities and donations to ensure the secluded kampung locations are safe throughout the MCO in Sarawak.

Welfare Homes Outreach Programme - Chinese New Year

This year's CNY festival was celebrated moderately due to the pandemic and it has restrained most of our activities.

However, we managed to contribute to more than 20,000 beneficiaries from welfare homes as part of our annual corporate social responsibility program. We have all the items delivered safely to homes with strict social distancing procedures.

A total of RM660,000 worth of cash and food necessities were presented to the 20,000 seniors and welfare communities nationwide.

Home Enhancement Programme (HEP)

"We believe Charity begins at Home"

"Home Enhancement Program" aims to improve the home condition and safety. We want to ensure the residents are living in comfortable and safe environment, especially during this pandemic.

HEP is a MagnumCares program that helps selected charity homes to repair, refurbish, or renovate their facilities. We select sustainable items and materials for better maintenance and comfort of the homes.

Local Art & Culture Development

"Practicing Wellness While You Stay at Home"

MagnumCares urged Malaysians to celebrate stay-at-home festivity & share the joy together by listening to beautiful songs from numerous popular local artists. The performances took place via Facebook.

We have supported Musicians for Musicians, where they gathered and showcased the performances of local musicians during this Chap Goh Mei to cheer the nation up during this tough times.

This platform has also helped some local musicians to generate extra income during COVID-19.

Dual Blessing 99 Forever Angel 'Coming Home 2021'

In collaborating with Dual Blessing Bhd 双福升维发展协会, MagnumCares was determined to ensure the vulnerable communities are safe and not alone.

Dual Blessing is a non-profit organization that helps Person-with-disabilities (PwDs) with 'OKU-friendly' transportation, skill enhancement training, mental wellness, and more.

Due to MCO, the Dual Blessing team often visits PwDs who need extra care due to health and lack of accessibilities. In Magnum, nobody is left behind.

Mental Health & Counseling

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our livelihood, drastically. Many of us are battling with stress and depression due to adjusting with the 'new normal' routine.

We understood. Hence, we have supported the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) to provide their professional therapist and psychologist to share their methods and views. They discussed the topic of 'How to stay connected to yourself and remain centered amid the chaos', via online.

Healthcare & Medical

National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) began with a clear mission to ensure there's no Malaysian who fear cancer by creating an understanding of cancer that leads to prevention and early detection by providing the best possible care and support for those affected by cancer.

MagnumCares has supported the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) by providing the underprivileged community with free or affordable cancer screening and treatment.

Help For Single Pregnant Women

Pertubuhan Kebajikan & Pendidikan Rumah Kita (Rumah Kita) aims to help reduce the statistics in Malaysia for baby dumping, self-inducing abortions and infanticides by providing a temporary transit home to single pregnant women.

During MCO period, through Rumah Kita we helped single pregnant women who need shelter, food, hospital care and basic mother-baby necessities from third trimester until post-confinement.

The Frontliners Of Magnum

The sales operators are the frontliners of Magnum. Containing the epidemic and protecting the frontliner is our top priority.

In addition to fighting the public-health emergency, we have distributed MagnumCares Special Packages and E-Tunai incentive to all the sales operators during this COVID-19 throughout nationwide.

The MagnumCares Special Packages consist of disposable face masks, sanitizer and disposable hand gloves to protect them from COVID-19.

Special Care while Working from Home

During the first national lockdown, Magnum has implemented working from home protocols as preventive measures and in response to the order of the Government restricting face-to-face contact.

We have sent the MagnumCares Special Packages to all Magnum employees at home. All these items have been distributed to all the employees nationwide to stay healthy while working from home.

We want to ensure our Magnum family is protected and safe during this COVID-19.